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GS1 RFID Standards, Laying the Groundwork for the Future of RFID in Healthcare
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About the Author
With over twenty-five years in the healthcare supply chain and two decades focused on pharmaceutical track and trace, Andrew Meyer has a deep understanding of the regulations and regulating bodies that govern the healthcare industry. This knowledge provides a unique perspective on the industry's business processes and their requirements. A member of the GS1 US team, Andrew focuses on applying and promoting GS1 standards to meet the unique challenges faced by the healthcare industry. Tasked with providing standards support for healthcare-centric workgroups, including the GS1 US Healthcare RFID Workgroup as a co-facilitator, which produced an RFID implementation guideline focused on source-tagging by manufacturers earlier this year.

Fresenius Kabi recognizes the importance of continually innovating the pharmaceutical industry with auto-identification technologies to support accurate, efficient data collection and safer patient care. We value the opinions of industry leaders in this field working to achieve this common goal.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the company they represent or Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC.

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